In the realm of education, every student's journey is unique, but few stories encapsulate resilience and determination quite like that of Zalimba, a Form 4 student and beneficiary of Story Time.
Empowering Futures: Story Time Q1 Update
Austin’s Path to College
Austin came to Story Time in order to further his education. Partly due to his determination and partly due to Story Time sponsorship, he was able to apply and begin attending college - the first in his family to do so. He wants to be financially stable so he can provide for his family. He says he thinks about his future everyday and is confident in his ability to achieve his dreams.
How School Fees Can Change A Life
Side Effects of Removing a Standardized Test
[Video] How SSP Students are Selected for Sponsorship
Selecting students for the Standard Sponsorship Project is a long process that occurs each year. Within the first few weeks of the school year, students are permitted to attend school for a period of time without paying school fees. During this window of time, Story Time members assist with a 7-step selection process.
12.6 Million under 30: Why Malawi's Invisible Gen is Motivated
There is an “Invisible Generation” in Malawi. One that is virtually ignored. In Malawi, 70% of the population is under 30. This means an influx of youth coming into the workforce, bringing with them, dreams of innovation, entrepreneurship, and a better future. But that is not what is happening. There is a youth job crisis and a growing number of young laborers in need of work.