day in the life

Ms. Changuya Didn't Think She'd Be a Teacher

Ms. Changuya Didn't Think She'd Be a Teacher

As a primary school teacher who happens to live very close to the secondary school, Ms. Changuya generously started volunteering her home in 2013 as a safe space for girls to pick up pads from WEP and use a sanitary restroom. Learn about Ms. Changuya's path to teaching in this story.

What is it Like to Eat in Malawi?

Learn about common Malawian foods, and even try out cooking a Malawian dessert for yourself!

The Malawian economy is primarily based on agriculture, with many Malawians living as subsistence farmers. This means that families rely primarily on their own crop yields to feed themselves. The foods they eat are full of carbohydrates, meant to provide plenty of the energy required to farm.

3 Energy Alternatives Bring Hope to Malawi

3 Energy Alternatives Bring Hope to Malawi

Malawi not only faces rising energy demand, but has insufficient power generating capacity, lacks investment in new generators, struggles with high transmission and distribution costs, poor power quality and reliability, and finally, heavily subsidized pricing, that is controlled mostly by the government. But there is some hope on the horizon.