Chikondi's Eyes

Sometimes we take for granted how hard it can be to stay in or prioritize school. One of Story Time’s students, Chikondi, worked hard and stayed in school through Form 4 so she could take the MCSE and go to college.

Chikondi, during her Form 2, standing near her dormitory less than 1 kilometer from the school.

Chikondi, during her Form 2, standing near her dormitory less than 1 kilometer from the school.

Then, she started experiencing sharp eye pain while reading.

Halfway through her schooling she went to the clinic for her eye pain and found out her eyes are photophobic, triggered by bright light such as that from white paper against sunlight.

Chikondi studying with a group of students after school.

Chikondi studying with a group of students after school.

While Story Time helped with tuition, she could push through school.

She saved money to get special glasses, but by the time she'd saved what she thought was enough, the price had doubled.

She was unable to continue saving an amount of money that large, and her savings had to go toward everyday items that her family needs, such as soap, groceries, and farming inputs, including seeds, fertilizer, and tools.

Her studies were affected, and while she could afford the tests, she was not prepared enough to earn passing scores.

From left to right: Mother, grandmother, and Chikondi, standing on their property in January 2018.

From left to right: Mother, grandmother, and Chikondi, standing on their property in January 2018.

Now, she’s hopeful to use her learnings to start a business, though raising or keeping capital around her village has been a struggle. Story Time has every confidence she will succeed thanks to her studies and the support of her community, and we hope to share more as her story progresses this year.