Barnan is a Story Time Volunteer in Malawi.
From left to right: Barnan, Dieckens, Aaron, and Joua.
He supports the programming in many ways, including photographing events and programming at Nsondole CDSS. Below are a few of his photos that have surprised and delighted the Story Time Team as we’ve received them.
Girls play netball (similar to basketball) after school near Nsondole CDSS.
Barnan captures a little personality from a sponsored student.
A classroom of girls giggle at Zikani's joke.
Two students wait to meet with a teacher over a weekend session.
Two female students are somewhat surprised by the flash of a camera, as they show their home.
The schoolyard is full of students between classes; some are brave enough to approach teachers with questions.
A local father asks a question during a Community Forum.
Students participating in a fooball (soccer) game after school are directed by the coach to practice goal shots after their warm-up.